World View

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  • My academic mental health advocacy at my local campus has led me to meet students and staff from all academic levels who feel that they have to hide who they really are. To raise mental health and stigma awareness and support others, I started a personal blog to share my story and co-founded Flourish Maastricht to promote mental health at my own institution.

    • Anna Schueth
    World View
  • Health-care inequality exists in marginalized groups such as the LGBT+ community. Having been involved in setting up a urological service to connect with this community, I reflect on how health-care organizations must prioritize the unmet needs of this group in order to strive for equality.

    • Nigel Borley
    World View
  • Learning to rectify my personal and professional identities has not always been easy, but finally getting to a place where the two can work together has led me to the most fulfilling portion of my career in urology.

    • S. Scott Sparks
    World View
  • In this Worldview, I share a few observations that I have learnt during my career as a biomedical scientist: explore a bit before settling on a place to experimentally dig for your discoveries; recognize that nature is exceedingly complex and that dogma is meant to be broken; allow yourself to take risks and fail; and realize that science is best done with the long view in mind.

    • Nima Sharifi
    World View