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  • Two studies published in the journal Developmental Cell suggest that changes to the RNA payload of sperm that occur during maturation in the epididymis help ensure successful embryo development in mice.

    • Ross Cloney
    Research Highlight
  • Two studies use targeted sequencing to identify features of clonal haematopoiesis that may predict the risk of developing acute myeloid leukaemia years before diagnosis.

    • Anna Dart
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Nature Genetics reports a high-quality reference genome for the koala, with insights into its specialized lifestyle, and potential applications in vaccine development and conservation strategies.

    • Darren J. Burgess
    Research Highlight
  • A study in Nature Biomedical Engineering reports improvements in neurological symptoms in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome after non-viral delivery of Cas9 ribonucleoproteins to the brain.

    • Michelle Trenkmann
    Research Highlight
  • Many eukaryotic proteins, including key transcription regulators, contain intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs), which serve as flexible interaction platforms. The molecular understanding of IDR-based interactions is now emerging, providing new insights into how IDRs promote protein compartmentalization and/or phase separation and how these processes regulate gene expression.

    • Paulina Strzyz
    Research Highlight
  • One in four UK adults over the age of 65 suffers from loneliness. An analysis of UK Biobank data has identified 15 genomic loci associated with loneliness and reports a possible causal link between obesity and loneliness and depression.

    • Dorothy Clyde
    Research Highlight
  • Two independent studies now show that polymerization of branched actin at DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) mediates chromatin dynamics associated with homology-directed repair and is required for a robust and error-free DSB repair process.

    • Paulina Strzyz
    Research Highlight
  • Unlike most organisms, planaria maintain pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) beyond embryogenesis. A new study reports the prospective identification and isolation of a neoblast subpopulation containing adult PSCs, characterization of which should help uncover the mechanisms underlying pluripotency and tissue regeneration.

    • Dorothy Clyde
    Research Highlight
  • A publication in Science reports the sequencing, assembly and comparative analysis of new and improved great ape genomes and provides a stepping stone for the identification of genetic variation specific to humans.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • A study in Genome Research reports the impact of genetic variation near splice sites on human disease and may help prioritize and functionally interpret newly identified variants.

    • Rebecca Furlong
    Research Highlight
  • A new study reveals that DNA methylation-mediated repression of gene expression regulates early eye development in blind cave morphs of Astyanax mexicanus.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Cell presents split–pool recognition of interactions by tag extension (SPRITE), a method that enables the identification of multiple, simultaneously occurring DNA and RNA interactions genome-wide within the nucleus.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • A recent study in Science reports the mechanism by which temperature affects sex determination in the red-eared slider turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight
  • Two articles published in Cell report new approaches to isolate and interrogate intronic sequences from eukaryotic spliceosomes.

    • Rebecca Furlong
    Research Highlight
  • Three new studies in Nature and Nature Biotechnology report methods for dissecting transcriptomic cell phenotypes and lineage history simultaneously by combining single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) with CRISPR-based lineage tracing.

    • Darren J. Burgess
    Research Highlight
  • A new study in Cell reports genomic selection of physiological adaptations to hypoxia in breath-hold diving marine hunter–gatherers, the indigenous Bajau people of Southeast Asia.

    • Michelle Trenkmann
    Research Highlight
  • A recent analysis in Nature Genetics combines genome-wide association study summary statistics with gene expression data to identify the contribution of different cell types and tissues to disease.

    • Ross Cloney
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Science reports a strategy that combines rapid chemical-genetic perturbation with measurements of immediate gene expression changes to identify targets of transcriptional regulators.

    • Linda Koch
    Research Highlight