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  • This PrimeView highlights the underlying mechanism of multiple system atrophy (MSA), a synucleinopathy that affects several regions of the brain. This PrimeView accompanies the Primer on MSA by Poewe and colleagues.

  • This PrimeView highlights the pathophysiology of faecal incontinence in adults and summarizes its epidemiology, diagnosis and management. It accompanies the Primer on this topic by Bharucha and colleagues.

  • This PrimeView summarizes the mechanisms of spinal muscular atrophy, a progressive disorder that manifests as muscle atrophy and weakness of limb, bulbar, trunk and respiratory muscles.

  • This PrimeView highlights the mechanisms underlying chronic wounds and summarizes the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of these wounds. It accompanies the Primer on this topic by Falanga and colleagues.

  • This PrimeView highlights the mechanisms underlying multimorbidity and summarizes its epidemiology, diagnosis and management. It accompanies the Primer on this topic by Skou and colleagues.

  • This PrimeView highlights the mechanisms underlying chronic cough and cough hypersensitivity syndrome, and accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Mazzone et al.

  • This PrimeView highlights the epidemiology of hepatic encephalopathy, a neuropsychiatric syndrome that occurs in patients with liver disease.

  • This PrimeView highlights the mechanisms of genetic pain loss disorders and accompanies the Primer on this topic by Kurth et al.

  • This PrimeView highlights the management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and summarizes its epidemiology, diagnosis and pathophysiology. It accompanies the Primer on this topic by Zani and colleagues.

  • This PrimeView highlights the mechanisms and pathophysiology of trachoma and summarizes the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of this disease. It accompanies the Primer on this topic by Solomon and colleagues.

  • This PrimeView highlights the pathophysiology of hypothyroidism and accompanies the Primer article on hypothyroidism by Chaker et al.

  • This PrimeView highlights the pathophysiology of achalasia and summarizes its epidemiology, diagnosis and management. It accompanies the Primer on this topic by Savarino and colleagues.

  • This PrimeView highlights the pathogenesis of bone stress injuries and summarizes epidemiology, diagnosis and management. It accompanies the Primer on this topic by Tenforde and colleagues.

  • This PrimeView highlights the pathogenesis of hypothalamic syndrome, and summarizes the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of this disorder. It accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Müller an colleagues.

  • This PrimeView highlights the epidemiology of atrial fibrillation and summarizes pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. It accompanies the Primer on this topic by Brundel and colleagues.

  • This PrimeView highlights the prevention of tobacco and nicotine use, and accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Le Foll et al.

  • This PrimeView highlights the mechanisms of binge eating disorder, a newly classified eating disorder that is characterized by episodes of binge eating and loss of control of eating behaviour.

  • This PrimeView highlights the mechanisms of hypertensive eye disease and accompanies the Primer article on this topic by Wong et al.

  • This PrimeView highlights the mechanisms of childhood stroke and accompanies the Primer article on childhood stroke by Wildgruber et al.
