Nat. Immunol.; doi:10.1038/ni.3692; corrected online 7 March 2017

In the version of this article initially published online, in the second sentence of the first paragraph of the third subsection of Results ('Deletion of Ptpn6 restores T cell development in Themis−/− mice'), the TCR chain is identified incorrectly as 'CD3'; that phrase should read “...antibody to the TCR invariant chain CD3ɛ (anti-CD3ɛ)...” instead. In the legend to Figure 3, the P value (< 0.005) was incorrect; the correct value is P < 0.05. Also, in the final sentence of that legend, the directions '(left)' and '(right)' are incorrect; that should read “Data are representative of (top) or from (bottom) four experiments...” instead. In Figure 4a, the numbers along the horizontal axes are incorrectly vertical; they should be horizontal instead. In Figure 4b, the labels along the vertical axes of the second and fourth plots incorrectly include '(%)'; the correct label is 'CD8SP cells (×106)' only. In the third sentence of the first paragraph of the fifth subsection of Results ('p-SHP-1 does not correspond with PTP activity'), the word 'of' is missing; this should read “The lower abundance of p-SHP-1...” instead. In the legend to Figure 5c, the antibody is incorrectly set off in commas; that should read “...immunoprecipitated with anti-SHP-1 from...” instead. Finally, Figure 7e is too large and should be the same size as all other panels in that figure. The errors have been corrected in the print, PDF and HTML versions of this article.