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  • Artificial intelligence tools have the potential to revolutionize how scientists work and publish. We share our ground rules for managing the inherent risks.

  • A field experiment in Uganda shows how potassium and phosphorus keep leaves functioning during times of water scarcity, highlighting the need to consider ecosystem-scale processes in studying the response of forests to nutrient limitation.

    • Kelly M. Andersen
    News & Views
  • Ongoing climate warming is heating the subsurface. Projections suggest that by the end of the century millions of people will live in areas where groundwater exceeds the highest threshold for drinking water temperatures.

    • Maria Klepikova
    News & Views
  • Model projections suggest that shallow groundwater temperatures will increase by 2.1 °C by the end of the century, with groundwater expected to exceed drinkable temperatures in a number of populated regions under a medium-emissions pathway.

    • Susanne A. Benz
    • Dylan J. Irvine
    • Barret L. Kurylyk
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Lakes on the Tibetan Plateau are projected to expand significantly, increasing in area by approximately 50% by 2100 under a low emissions scenario. This expansion will reshape the hydrological connectivity of the lake basins, and submerge a large number of roads, settlements, and ecological components.

    Research Briefing
  • The Arctic has warmed almost four times faster than the global average over the past four decades. This fourfold rate of warming is an extraordinary manifestation of natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate change.

    • Mika Rantanen
    News & Views
  • Coastal seaweed transported to the open ocean contributes up to 3–4% of the particulate organic carbon sinking into the deeper ocean, according to combined ecological and biogeochemical modelling.

    • Karen Filbee-Dexter
    • Albert Pessarrodona
    • Dorte Krause-Jensen
  • Estuaries are increasingly threatened not only by rising sea levels but also by human interventions which cause changes in sediment supply. Remote sensing data analysis shows that estuarine intertidal area development is associated with minimum turbidity levels, where areas with larger tidal ranges require higher turbidity for their maintenance.

    Research Briefing
  • Hydrous minerals within the Earth affect volatile cycling and mantle geodynamics. Jun Tsuchiya explains how stable phases of these minerals are being uncovered at increasingly high pressures.

    • Jun Tsuchiya
    All Minerals Considered