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  • A short-sighted bill introduced in the Italian parliament could cripple scientific research in that country. Scientists share some of the responsibility for this crisis.

  • Dysregulation of protein translation and RNA processing mechanisms in the brain can result in subtle, but widespread, neurological disorders. A collection of Review and Perspective articles in this issue of Nature Neuroscience highlights some of the more unconventional mechanisms of post-transcriptional modifications in the CNS.

  • Successful translational research requires a solid understanding of the systems involved and their normal functions, which only basic research is equipped to provide.

  • Nature Neuroscience presents a focus highlighting recent technical advances in neuroscience.

  • Scientists need to mobilize to combat changing tactics by animal rights activists.

  • Nature journals' updated editorial policies aim to improve transparency and reproducibility.

  • Nature Neuroscience presents a special focus issue highlighting recent advances and discussing future directions in memory research.

  • We present a special focus that highlights research on the role of the CNS in the regulation of feeding behavior and how disruption of such regulation can lead to obesity.

  • We present a special focus on social neuroscience, bringing together several strands of research to highlight recent progress in the field.

  • A new line of relaxation drinks containing neurotransmitters and hormones purports to help consumers sleep and reduce stress. Scientists should raise awareness of the potential harms of these drinks and pressure industry and government to increase the regulation of their sale and use.

  • Nature Neuroscience announces changes to its supplementary information guidelines and expands the space allowed for methods.

  • The UK research establishment needs to ensure that there is a clear, transparent process for reporting and investigating accusations of scientific misconduct.

  • Scientists should take the lead in opening an honest and accurate discussion with the public about the ramifications of working with animals containing human material.

  • Blood vessels in the nervous system are not simply inert bystanders that only support the metabolic needs of neurons. We present a focus on neurovascular interactions that highlights our emerging knowledge of how these interactions shape neuronal function both in health and disease.

  • Responding to referee comments constructively improves the quality of published papers.

  • A recent proposal to integrate addiction research portfolios from across the National Institutes of Health into a single institute makes scientific sense, but the implementation will require care.

  • It is critical that studies examining the functional consequences of aggregated proteins clearly identify the exact source and aggregation state of the protein and critically discuss the implications of their approach.
