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  • Research Note
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Efficient Transformation of Tobacco by Ultrasonication


We report a simple, direct gene transfer technique based on sonication. Transient expression of a β–glucoronidase (GUS) gene was detected in 86 percent of treated leaf segments of Nicotiana tabacum, and the area of transformed tissue on these segments reached 60–70 percent. GUS activity in the leaves of regenerated, kanamycin resistant plantlets was found at a frequency of 22 percent, and analysis of R1 regenerated seedlings showed that both kanamycin resistance and GUS behaved as typical linked dominant genes.

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Zhang, LJ., Cheng, LM., Xu, N. et al. Efficient Transformation of Tobacco by Ultrasonication. Nat Biotechnol 9, 996–997 (1991).

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