
  • Special |

    The human reference genome is fundamental to basic, translational and clinical research.

    Image: Darryl Leja/NHGRI; Sequence map: Adam Novak/UCSC
  • Collection |

    15 years ago, topological insulators were discovered, marking the start of a new branch of condensed matter physics.

    Image: GMVozd/E+
  • Focal Point |

    One of the most abundant base materials for bioplastics is cellulose, which is responsible for the structural rigidity of plant cell walls.

    Image: TinyPhoto/Shutterstock
  • Collection |

    Cancer is a leading cause of death, accounting for nearly one in six deaths worldwide. Many cancers can be cured, especially if detected early and treated effectively.

    Image: Kateryna Lon/ Science Photo Library/ Getty Images
  • Collection |

    Earth’s tectonic plates extend and break-apart during rifting.

    Image: Ulrich Doering / Alamy Stock Photo
  • Nature Outline |

    Acute kidney injury, a common occurrence among hospital patients, can trigger a range of long-term health problems.

    Image: Laura N-Tamara
  • Career Guide |

    Scientific careers in industry range from jobs at multinational technology and life-sciences companies employing tens of thousands of people to positions at one-person start-ups spun off from universities.

    Image: Ajpek Orsi/Getty
  • Nature Outlook |

    Every 30 minutes, our kidneys filter all the blood in the body.

    Image: Eva Vazquez
  • Nature Index |

    Japan is the world’s third largest economy, but for years now it has lagged in science and research compared to smaller economies such as Germany and the United Kingdom.

    Image: Irwin Wong for Nature
  • Collection |

    Selected, recent articles from across the Nature Portfolio that document the recent progress in understanding the biology of EV-mediated cell–cell communication and advances in clinical translation of EVs.

    Image: Vicky Summersby