Nature Index

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  • Researchers in Paris and Tokyo are connected, but the two capitals have quite different patterns of collaboration.

    • Tim Hornyak
    • Barbara Casassus
    Nature Index
  • Uncertainty surrounding Britain's future in EU research could be as damaging to science as the prospect of funding cuts once it leaves the union.

    • Mark Peplow
    Nature Index
  • Proximity is just one factor driving the high number of collaborations between top performing institutions in the same city.

    • Neil Savage
    Nature Index
  • The cities of Australia and New Zealand represent a mix of scientific strengths, and their cumulative contributions have seen the region's research reputation flourish.

    • Amanda Rider
    Nature Index
  • A pragmatic and deliberate approach to research funding yields impressive results, while New Zealand's geography makes it a perfect natural laboratory for Earth scientists, writes Linda Vergnani.

    • Linda Vergnani
    Nature Index
  • Significant state government investment along with philanthropic largesse has helped drive Brisbane's research performance, writes Bianca Nogrady

    • Bianca Nogrady
    Nature Index
  • A search for the source of mysterious signals at the Parkes Observatory had puzzled CSIRO astrophysicists for years, until the answer came in a flash, writes Viviane Richter.

    • Viviane Richter
    Nature Index
  • Australia's two largest cities have much to celebrate. A historic rivalry is alive and well in research circles, as both capitals strive to attract the best researchers and produce science that makes a difference, writes Annabel McGilvray.

    • Annabel McGilvray
    Nature Index
  • Wielding knowledge on everything from powerful snail toxins to deep-Earth rocks, researchers in Australia and New Zealand are finding answers for problems from dengue to climate change.

    Nature Index
  • Resources for scientific research are spread unevenly throughout countries. Spending priorities vary according to budget constraints, historic research strengths and industry demands.

    Nature Index
  • Nature Index 2016 Rising Stars seeks to pinpoint the ascendant performers of science, using the power of the Nature Index, which tracks the research of more than 8,000 global institutions.

    • Larissa Kogleck
    Nature Index
  • Undaunted by the scientific dominance of historic global big-hitters, some of the world's less prominent research nations are carving out a niche and making a strong impact.

    Nature Index
  • In institutions everywhere from super-cities to remote desert locations, researchers are setting the world of discovery on fire and pushing their institutions up the Nature Index rankings.

    Nature Index
  • Strong connections with global scientific heavy-hitters and meaningful regional and domestic collaborations have thrust Saudi Arabia into a leading position in the Arab world.

    • Larissa Kogleck
    Nature Index