New on the Market

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  • Heading this month's selection of lasers, software and new literature is an X-ray processor that can detect elements as light as boron.

    New on the Market
  • The latest batch of new products includes a touch-sensitive video display from Zenith and from Bio-Rad a kit for analysis of the AIDS virus

    New on the Market
  • This month's batch of new products includes a left-handed glove box, stereo magnifying spectacles, Teflon tubing the diameter of human hair and a new version of Triton X-100 detergent.

    New on the Market
  • Forensic drug analysis is covered in a new data sheet and a new system simplifies receptor binding assays.

    New on the Market
  • This month's sampling of new products includes a sensitive system for recording human eye movements and a bench-top dry ice machine.

    New on the Market
  • New this month are several items aimed at lab safety–including a fire-fighting blanket, a protective face mask and protective skin cream.

    New on the Market
  • This month's New on the Market selection includes a new cyclic GMP assay and a DNA nick-translation kit.

    New on the Market
  • New products listed this week include a simple magnetic susceptibility balance and new software for the Apple II microcomputer.

    New on the Market
  • New products described this month include three made with safety in mind—insulated gloves, a system for mopping up spilt chemicals and a wallchart on hazard warning symbols.

    New on the Market
  • New products covered this month include a completely sealed ecosystem being offered as a “gift item” and a computerized densitometer for electrophoresis.

    New on the Market
  • This month's fourteen new laboratory products include what may be the world's smallest glass pH electrode.

    New on the Market
  • This month's new products include a filter holder for colony hybridization and autoclavable bags for the disposal of hazardous waste.

    New on the Market
  • Eleven new products are described this month including a device that “phones home” when your experiment goes wrong.

    New on the Market
  • Sixteen new products are described this week, ranging from a dish for the reception of data from weather satellites to an information package on liquid chromatography techniques.

    New on the Market
  • The products featured in this week's selection include an air purifier, a refractive index detector and a digital colorimeter

    New on the Market
  • The products featured this week range from a micromanipulator for transferring embryos to a kit for detecting PCBs

    New on the Market
  • This week's selection of products includes a word processor for scientific applications, a universal clamp system and a machine for making dry ice.

    New on the Market
  • This week's feature includes products ranging from scissors to flash arrestors, and from smoke generators to moisture meters.

    New on the Market