Research Highlights

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  • Antihydrogen was first produced in the lab in 1995 and in 2011 it was successfully trapped for longer periods. From there, one step at a time, physicists have been overcoming technical challenges to recently achieve a milestone: the laser cooling of antihydrogen.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Science Advances reports a new approach to simultaneously detecting the colour and polarization of light, based on the eyes of mantis shrimps.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • Two papers in Nature Physics and Physical Review Letters show topological phases forming in twisted van der Waals structures.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports on how an aquatic worm forms entangled blobs that move collectively, without the need for centralized control or even communication between the worms.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • Two new maps of the sky were released in January 2021, as part of efforts to understand the distribution of ordinary matter and dark energy in the Universe.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Physical Review Letters introduces a quantum algorithm for the simulation of high energy radiative processes in particle collisions, which cannot be fully captured in classical probabilistic simulations.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • In February 2021, three probes from the UAE, China and the USA are expected to reach Mars.

    • Ankita Anirban
    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Science shows that diamond can be elastically stretched by up to 9% which could make it more electrically conducting.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Communications Physics reports that cornstarch suspensions flowing down slopes form ripples like water does — but via a completely different mechanism, which involves their unusual rheology.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • A Nature paper reports on the conversion of microwave-frequency quantum excitations of a superconducting qubit into photons at optical telecommunication frequencies, a step closer to realizing a working quantum transducer.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that the ridges on finger pads promote grip by acting as a microfluidic array that maintains optimal moisture levels and by deforming when wet to block sweat pores.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Nature Physics images magnetic vortices using X-ray ptychography and finds that they are stable under high magnetic fields.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • Understanding the first few minutes of the Universe has been hampered by uncertainty in the cross section of the so-called deuterium burning process. A paper in Nature reports a much-improved cross section, putting models of the early Universe on firmer footing.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • A Science paper presents a method of growing twisted spiral structures of 2D materials by using curved substrates.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • In 2000, David DiVincenzo gave a set of basic criteria for building a quantum computer, which have guided research for the past 20 years. Today, despite not all the criteria having been cleared, additional complex requirements have emerged.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • A paper in Physics of Fluids shows that the wedge-shaped cross-section of pine needles enhances their capacity to shed water.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight
  • A report from the UK’s Science Council-supported Technician Commitment highlights the role played by technical staff in minimizing the disruption to research caused by COVID-19.

    • Zoe Budrikis
    Research Highlight
  • The first quantum error-correcting code was devised by Peter Shor 25 years ago. Ever since there have been numerous advances on both the theoretical and experimental fronts, and quantum error correction turned out to have unexpected applications.

    • Iulia Georgescu
    Research Highlight
  • A Nature paper shows how vertical oscillations can be used to levitate a fluid and float a boat upside down.

    • Ankita Anirban
    Research Highlight