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Relationship between chronic tadalafil administration and improvement of endothelial function in men with erectile dysfunction: a pilot study


Men with erectile dysfunction (ED) frequently have a disproportionate burden of comorbid vascular disorders including atherosclerotic disease. We investigated whether scheduled tadalafil is better than on-demand (OD) in improving endothelium-dependent vasodilatation of cavernous arteries in men with ED and whether this effect is also exerted on markers of endothelial function. We did an open-label, randomized, crossover study including 20 male outclinic patients aged 18 years or older (mean age 54 years) who had at least a 3-month history of ED of any severity or etiology. Tadalafil (20 mg) on alternate days (ADs) or OD was administered for 4 weeks. Primary end points were variations of basal inflow (peak systolic velocity (PSV)) and flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) of cavernous arteries compared with baseline at penile Duplex ultrasound. Secondary end points were variations of Q13-SIEDY scores regarding morning erections and of markers of endothelial function, that is, vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM), intercellular cell adhesion molecule, endothelin-1 (ET-1), insulin and C-reactive protein (CRP). PSVs and FMD were higher after AD treatment when compared with OD and baseline, respectively (P=0.0001), and improvements were maintained from 2 weeks after discontinuation (P<0.005). Patients receiving tadalafil AD experienced a significant improvement of morning erections as compared to AD treatment (P<0.0001); ET1, VCAM and CRP showed a robust decrease after chronic vs OD regimes (P<0.05), with concomitant increase in insulin levels (P<0.05), without any variation in blood pressure and other laboratory parameters. Chronic but not OD tadalafil improves endothelial function with sustained effects from its discontinuation. Chronic treatment also produces a dramatic increase in morning erections, which determines better oxygenation to the penis, thus providing a rationale for vascular rehabilitation.

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We thank Dr Daniele Gianfrilli for precious collaboration in performing ultrasound studies.

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Aversa, A., Greco, E., Bruzziches, R. et al. Relationship between chronic tadalafil administration and improvement of endothelial function in men with erectile dysfunction: a pilot study. Int J Impot Res 19, 200–207 (2007).

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