Table 1 - Types of pharyngeal and esophageal diverticula

From the following article

Pharyngeal and esophageal diverticula, rings, and webs

Julia J. Liu and Peter J. Kahrilas

GI Motility online (2006)


DiverticulaLocationAssociated conditions
Zenker's diverticulaProximal to the cricopharyngeus at the level of C5-C6Reduced upper esophageal sphincter compliance
MidthoracicMid-esophagus, near tracheal bifurcationMediastinal inflammation: fungal infections, tuberculosis
Motility disorders: achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm
EpiphrenicDistal 10 cm of the esophagusMotility disorders: achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm
Esophageal obstruction
Diffuse intramural diverticulosisSegmental or diffuse involvement of the body of esophagusChronic inflammation, stasis, or distal obstruction