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Have the Year 2000 Neonatal Resuscitation Program Guidelines Changed the Delivery Room Management or Outcome of Meconium-Stained Infants?



To study the impact of neonatal resuscitation program (NRP) guidelines on delivery room (DR) management of infants born through meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF).


A retrospective study of all term (≥37 weeks) infants born through MSAF was performed. Patients were divided into two periods: pre year 2000 NRP and post year 2000 NRP. Meconium consistency, APGAR scores and intubation (INT) for suctioning and respiratory outcome were recorded. Groups were analyzed using χ2 tests and stepwise logistic regression.


The incidence of MSAF remained constant in period 1 (13.6%) and period 2 (13.1%) while the proportion of infants intubated fell from 67 to 41% (p<0.001). The incidence of meconium aspiration and nonspecific respiratory distress did not differ between groups.


Since the implementation of year 2000 NRP guidelines, the rate of DR INT for tracheal suctioning has fallen significantly without a change in overall respiratory complications. Results of this study support the efficacy of year 2000 NRP recommendations.

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We thank the mid-level practitioners and pediatric residents at Connecticut Children's Medical Center whose documentation of DR resuscitations made this study possible.

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Kabbur, P., Herson, V., Zaremba, S. et al. Have the Year 2000 Neonatal Resuscitation Program Guidelines Changed the Delivery Room Management or Outcome of Meconium-Stained Infants?. J Perinatol 25, 694–697 (2005).

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