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  • Women+ continue to face obstacles at each step along the way of pursuing a scientific career, and physics has one of the lowest gender diverse participation of all STEM subjects. This is a tremendous waste of potential that can only be reversed with a significant cultural change by all participants.

    • Tracey Berry
    • Saskia Mordijck
    EditorialOpen Access
  • While its museums are adorned by the masterpieces born from the brushes of Klimt and Schiele, the steps of prominent scientists like Hess, Boltzmann, and Schrödinger still echo in the halls of its university. Vienna can be rivalled by few cities in the world for artistic and scientific heritage, and that commits to continue its tradition as a melting pot of art and science.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • February 22, 2023 marks an important milestone. We celebrate the fifth anniversary of Communications Physics.

    • Fabio Pezzoli
    EditorialOpen Access
  • Communications Physics is five years old. So we are celebrating, with a special anniversary collection. And as we do every day with exciting physics papers, we take a moment to reflect on our journey so far and our future direction.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • In January 2019, we announced to our authors and referees that Communications Physics would adopt Transparent Peer Review (TPR). What does this mean and how has it been received?

    EditorialOpen Access
  • Trust is the theme of this year’s peer review week. Confidence in the most broadly used form of assessment, and often considered a quality seal, of scholarly communication, remains high. However, the continuously evolving means of disseminating science and the exponential growth of research output require journals to do more to reassure their authors and readers on the rigour of peer review, while maintaining an open dialogue aimed at improving the system.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • This month marks the 60th anniversary of the invention of the laser. Here, we highlight a few of the many developments of a technology that has revolutionised our lives. To celebrate, our editors have chosen a collection of articles published in Communications Physics that showcase the breath of research and applications in this field.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • Communications Physics is 2 years old. To celebrate, we look back at our achievements and put together a collection of our editors’ favourite papers. We will renew this collection over the months to share with our community what we like the most.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • Matching each submitted paper to the right reviewers is a crucial task, and for authors it can be an opaque process. Here, we aim to reveal the ethos and procedures an editor typically follows at Communications Physics when selecting reviewers.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • Recognition of the contribution made by reviewers to the publication of high quality research may take many forms. We are passionate about ensuring quality in peer review and discuss here how to acknowledge our reviewers fairly.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • Communications Physics celebrates its first year anniversary of publishing research advances across the physical sciences. We take this opportunity to look back at what we achieved so far and our ambitions for the future.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • This month marks the 1 year anniversary of opening Communications Physics for submissions. We want to take this opportunity to thank all of those who helped make the journal launch a success.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • Welcome to the inaugural edition of Communications Physics. Our ambition is to provide a venue for physicists, regardless of their specialised topic, to publish and access high-quality research that stimulates new thinking in the field.

    EditorialOpen Access