Articles in 2023

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  • Two-dimensional materials look poised to revolutionize information and communication technologies. Here, the authors leveraged spatially resolved ellipsometry to engineer the optical absorption of graphene on hexagonal boron nitride substrates, thereby disclosing effective solutions for flexible optoelectronics.

    • Adilet N. Toksumakov
    • Georgy A. Ermolaev
    • Davit A. Ghazaryan
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The first generation of global-scale quantum networks are expected to make extensive use of satellite-mediated channels. As a first step towards this goal, this manuscript proposes a full-scale architecture to implement the exchange of quantum information, taking us from use cases through to a detailed plan for the road ahead.

    • Laurent de Forges de Parny
    • Olivier Alibart
    • Mathias Van Den Bossche
    ArticleOpen Access
  • A quantitative magnetic force microscopy technique is presented that maps one magnetic stray-field component and its spatial derivative at the same time. Furthermore, this technique is applied to investigate individual circular magnetic nano-domains in MnNiGa bulk samples providing bubble diameters and the spatial extent in depth.

    • Norbert H. Freitag
    • Christopher F. Reiche
    • Thomas Mühl
    ArticleOpen Access
  • When topological materials interact with the environment a phenomenon known as the non-Hermitian skin effect is observed, typically at outer interfaces of crystals. The authors combine self-similar fractal geometries for the tight binding models and non-Hermitian physics to showcase intertwining of topology and skin effect at the inner boundaries of periodic fractal lattices.

    • Sourav Manna
    • Bitan Roy
    ArticleOpen Access
  • High power short pulse lasers are technologically reaching a limit in term of amplification due to the material damage threshold of amplifying media. The authors conduct experiments and numerical simulations to show the possibility of benefiting from transient plasma structures generated from counter propagating pump and seed pulses to amplify high power lasers.

    • Grégory Vieux
    • Silvia Cipiccia
    • Dino A. Jaroszynski
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Exhibiting low-energy (un)folding barriers and fast kinetics, ultrafast folding proteins are enticing models to study protein dynamics. The authors use single molecule force spectroscopy AFM to capture the compliant behaviour hallmarking the dynamics of ultrafast folding proteins under force.

    • Antonio Reifs
    • Irene Ruiz Ortiz
    • Raul Perez-Jimenez
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Biomolecular condensates are membrane-less organelles performing various functions inside cells which behaviour can be understood in terms of liquid-liquid phase separation and wetting. Here, the authors characterize the low interfacial tension regime of nanodroplets during endocytic and exocytic engulfment within an elastic membrane, study the role of the contact line symmetry, and show that nanodroplets and vesicles mutually remodel one another

    • Vahid Satarifard
    • Reinhard Lipowsky
    ArticleOpen Access
  • High-repetition rate microresonator-based frequency combs offer powerful and compact optical frequency comb sources that are of great importance to various applications. Here, the authors extend the tunability of the Kerr soliton frequency combs by exploiting thermal effects and frequency stabilization techniques.

    • Shun Fujii
    • Koshiro Wada
    • Takasumi Tanabe
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Dynamics of droplet fragmentation in turbulence is described by the Kolmogorov-Hinze theory, but at higher concentrations common in most flows a quantitative theory is required. The authors use direct numerical simulations of turbulent multiphase flows finding that larger droplets break up absorbing energy from the flow, while smaller droplets undergo rapid oscillations and tend to coalesce releasing energy to the flow.

    • Marco Crialesi-Esposito
    • Sergio Chibbaro
    • Luca Brandt
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Quantum embedding approaches to simulate condensed matter on quantum computers have been proposed, yet applications are limited to simplest models. The authors perform a systematic study of ground state preparation with variational quantum algorithms for correlated multi-orbital impurity models, addressing key issues toward real materials simulations.

    • Anirban Mukherjee
    • Noah F. Berthusen
    • Yong-Xin Yao
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Machine learning has demonstrated effectiveness in optimizing complex physical structures. In this study, the authors employ a machine learning approach to inversely design non-Hermitian layered optical systems with gain and loss modulation, showing that the trained network can reveal the relation between asymmetric transmission and reflection spectra.

    • Waqas W. Ahmed
    • Mohamed Farhat
    • Ying Wu
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Real-time spectral measurement technology is of great importance in observing transient phenomena and revealing ultrafast dynamics. This paper presents an approach for real-time observing intracavity soliton evolution processes in a mode-locked fiber laser by synchronizing multi-port time-division multiplexed measurements, pointing towards possible studies of intracavity dynamics in various optical systems.

    • Yufan Du
    • Liao Chen
    • Xinliang Zhang
    ArticleOpen Access