Articles in 2021

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  • Since Turing’s seminal work, combining local reaction with diffusion is key to understand how patterns can appear in interacting systems. Here, the authors investigate the effect of coupling local dynamics with a non-traditional type of diffusion mechanism, random-walk diffusion, showing that this simple modification can give rise to previously unobserved amplitude death and restoration of collective oscillations

    • Pau Clusella
    • M. Carmen Miguel
    • Romualdo Pastor-Satorras
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Mechanical resonators coupled to superconducting qubits are interesting platforms for quantum science and technology, but controlling them in quantum regime remains a challenge. The authors realize a hybrid device consisting of a superconducting transmon qubit and a mechanical resonator coupled using the magnetic-flux with the overall ability to increase the coupling strength and hence their control.

    • Tanmoy Bera
    • Sourav Majumder
    • Vibhor Singh
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Dissipative adaptation is a general thermodynamic mechanism that explains self-organization in classical systems via dissipation of absorbed work, revealing a principle of life-like behaviour. Here, the authors show that dissipative adaptation remains valid in a fully-quantum zero-temperature model, providing the starting point towards a quantum thermodynamics of driven self-organization

    • Daniel Valente
    • Frederico Brito
    • Thiago Werlang
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Exchange interactions between spins in a magnetic system can be engineered using magnetic multilayer systems in order to investigate a rich variety of magnetic phenomenon. Here the authors investigate the nature and control of magnetization of a synthetic antiferromagnetic stack with built in planar asymmetry and find evidence of an asymmetric current-driven switching in the chiral magnetization across the magnetic multilayers.

    • Kang Wang
    • Lijuan Qian
    • Gang Xiao
    ArticleOpen Access
  • It is known that the magnetic field does not affect the free energy change for a driven classical system. Here, the author investigates the influence of the magnetic field on a driven quantum system, finding that the free energy change is amplified and that this quantum effect is reflected in an extended free energy equality.

    • Ying Tang
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Polymer films are flexible, conductive materials with an expected application to a range of electronic devices, but the complexity of the underlying transport mechanisms inhibit improvements in performance. Here, the authors investigate the transport properties of doped semicrystalline polymer films and determine the role of crystalline domains and boundaries, finding evidence of weak localisation and variable range hopping, which vary with doping level.

    • Hiroshi Ito
    • Hiroaki Mada
    • Taishi Takenobu
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Göttingen is home to the Third Infinity conference, a biennial event organized by Ph.D. candidates that aims, beyond discussing complex systems physics, at providing a platform to discuss themes central to doctoral life and education. As part of the organizing committee of Third Infinity 2020, in this comment we would like to raise attention on the main issues faced by today’s European interdisciplinary Ph.D. students as we learnt them from direct experience during the organization process, as well as from discussion with our peers during the event.

    • Aina Gallemí-Pérez
    • Venecia Chávez-Medina
    CommentOpen Access
  • Strongly correlated materials can exhibit deviations from Fermi-liquid behavior partly due to anomalies in the density of states at the Fermi level, such as van Hove singularities. Here, the authors investigate the unusual Fermi liquid behavior of calcium-doped strontium ruthenate and find an unusual variation of the Kadowaki-Woods ratio which may originate from disorder.

    • Yang Xu
    • František Herman
    • Johan Chang
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Terahertz frequency radiation provides a powerful tool for the investigation of matter from the life science to the solid state and plasmas. The authors experimentally and numerically present enhanced terahertz wave generation by single-color double-pulse excitation in flat liquid jets, providing a deeper understanding of the mechanism that underpins the terahertz generation in multi-pulse experiments.

    • Evgenia A. Ponomareva
    • Azat O. Ismagilov
    • Xi-Cheng Zhang
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Interaction of active matter with geometrical and topological constraints is a topic of intense research in the recent few years due to its potential for design and control of active flow patterns. Here, the authors experimentally study the growth and expansion of cell aggregates interleaved by passive colloidal particles, showing that inert particles can reshape the collective pattern formation in cellular aggregates.

    • Usharani Nagarajan
    • Grégory Beaune
    • Françoise Brochard-Wyart
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The strange metallic state of cuprates occurring in a broad region of their phase diagram outside the superconducting and pseudogapped regions remains a mystery. Here the authors consider the charge density fluctuations recently discovered in resonant X-ray experiments as a possible source of scattering and show that these fluctuations can account for the strange metallic behavior.

    • Götz Seibold
    • Riccardo Arpaia
    • Sergio Caprara
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The thermalization of many-body localization phases poses a number of open questions related to our understanding of thermalization in quantum systems. Here, the authors aim to demonstrate that a quantum information approach can be used to investigate the mechanisms of thermalization in a quantum many-body system when coupled to an external system.

    • Carlo Sparaciari
    • Marcel Goihl
    • Nelly Huei Ying Ng
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Interest in the exploration of non-perturbative nonlinear optical phenomena driven by intense terahertz fields has seen a leap forwards with the recent development in femtosecond laser-based table-top sources for strong THz radiation. The authors present intense THz-field-induced effects in ubiquitously available LEDs illuminated by strong THz pulses, paving the way to their use in detecting and imaging intense THz radiation.

    • Chen Ouyang
    • Shangqing Li
    • Yutong Li
    ArticleOpen Access