
Giant viruses

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Over recent decades, the discovery and characterization of giant viruses have pushed the boundaries of the virosphere, leaving researchers in awe. What distinguishes giant viruses from their viral counterparts is not only their complex and gigantic virions but also their double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genomes, often stretching into the megabase range. Adding to the intrigue, these viral giants contain proteins that were once thought to be the exclusive domain of cellular organisms. In this ever-evolving landscape, the term "giant virus" is employed interchangeably with "large virus," especially in the context of unicellular eukaryote–infecting viruses. This Collection directs its spotlight on these extraordinary microorganisms, offering an avenue to delve into their distinctive characteristics. This Collection serves as an open invitation to researchers to explore the multifaceted world of giant viruses:

  • Discovery of novel giant viruses
  • Metagenomics
  • Evolution
  • Ecology
  • Structural analyses
  • Virus-host interactions
  • Biotechnological potential
  • Gene expression and control
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Microscopic image of giant virus
