
Sustainability in Oncology

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Sustainability refers to the ability to maintain or support a process continuously over time. The recent COVID-19 pandemic and global warming events such as wildfires in Canada, Greece and Maui have increased our awareness of the fragility of cancer care and cancer research to external threats. These threats are interlinked and are becoming more frequent. Global warming will increase the risk of future pandemics three fold. This constellation of circumstances has prompted the Editorial Board of BJC Reports to make articles on sustainability a feature of the journal. These articles will be linked not just to climate change but also to training and education, public trust, funding; all of which are required for a functioning cancer care and cancer research ecosystem. We invite researchers, clinicians and experts to submit research articles, reviews, perspectives and editorials.

Related blog: In this invited "SDG3 and Me" Q&A, Prof. Seamus O'Reilly (Deputy Editor of BJC Reports and Editor of this collection) discusses the National Green Cancer Clinical Trials initiative at Cancer Trials Ireland and its relevance to the UN's SDG3 and SDG13.

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Sustainability in oncology
