
Cardiac arrhythmias

Heart rhythm disorders, also called cardiac arrhythmias, are estimated to occur in 2% of the general population, making them one of the most prevalent heart disorders. They are associated with significant morbidity, mortality and health care costs. Atrial Fibrillation, in particular, is a major public health problem with greater than 37 million individuals affected globally and rising prevalence. It causes significant morbidity, including strokes and heart failure. Ventricular arrhythmias are estimated to cause 75% to 80% of cases of sudden cardiac death, resulting in 184,000 to 450,000 lives lost per year in the United States alone. Supraventricular tachycardias, bradyarrhythmias and other forms of conduction disease also lead to enormous healthcare burdens as a consequence of emergency room visits for acute episodes, long lasting morbidity and, in certain cases, mortality.

We welcome submission of primary research focused on heart rhythm disorders. We encourage submission of manuscripts dealing with prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and management of cardiac arrhythmias, including both non-invasive and invasive trans-catheter management. Digital technologies have started to play a major role in the modern management of cardiac arrhythmias, and we also welcome articles in this emerging field. Other article types, such as Reviews, Perspectives, and Comments that add significant insight will also be considered for inclusion in the Collection. All submissions will be subject to the same review process and editorial standards as regular Communications Medicine Articles.

3D illustration of a human heart with a heartbeat traces


  • Arun Sridhar

    University of Washington, USA

  • Janet Han

    University of California/VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (VAGLAHS), USA

  • Deepak Padmanabhan

    Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research, India

Arun SridharDr Arun R. Sridhar is a Cardiologist specialized in interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology and an Assistant Professor at the University of Washington. He treats patients with common and complex heart rhythm disorders, as well as patients with a risk of sudden cardiac death. His procedural expertise includes catheter ablations for atrial, supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias; and implantation of cardiac device therapy including pacemakers and defibrillators. Dr Sridhar’s research focuses on improving patient outcomes in atrial and ventricular arrhythmias through novel arrhythmia mapping and ablation techniques. His team also works on many innovative digital solutions to optimize care of cardiac arrhythmia patients both long term as well as peri-procedurally. They use novel low-cost mobile health technologies in concert with advanced computing techniques such as machine learning to create pathways for personalized medicine for arrhythmia patients and making arrhythmia care more accessible. Dr Sridhar joined the Editorial Board of Communications Medicine in April 2022.


Janet HanDr Janet K. Han is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Centre at the University of California, Los Angeles and VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (VAGLAHS). She is a practicing interventional cardiac electrophysiologist, currently serving as the director of the Cardiac Arrhythmia Digital Health Program at VAGLAHS. She is currently the Chair-Elect of the American College of Cardiology Digital Strategy Committee, and a member of the Heart Rhythm Society Communications Committee. She is on the editorial board of Circulation Arrhythmias and Electrophysiology and is also the current social media editor for JACC: Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology. Her research interests in electrophysiology include digital health, connected care, CIEDs, arrhythmia management and prevention, and anticoagulation in special populations.


Deepak PadmanabhanDr Deepak Padmanabhan is an Assistant Professor in Electrophysiology at the Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research, Bangalore, India. He is also Consultant Electrophysiologist at major hospitals in the city. He trained at the Mayo Clinic Rochester for his cardiac electrophysiology and advanced adult cardiology fellowships. He is currently Joint Secretary of the Indian Heart Rhythm Society and is a Mentor for the Biodesign program at IIT Kanpur,India. His clinical interests lie in ablation of arrhythmias, device implantation, lead extraction and substrate-arrhythmia correlation. His Research interests include translational medicine , use of AI-augmented ECG and EGM interpretation, scaling of AI applications in electrophysiology,  electroporation, and signal processing. He is also currently pursuing a management course at IIM Bangalore and remains an advisor to Government of India on Startup grants in India.