C. A. Babbush, J. A. Hahn, J. T. Krauser, J. L. Rosenlicht. UK: Elsevier price £148.00; pp 544 ISBN


This 30 chapter book describes a variety of topics relating to dental implantology. Chapters range from the business aspects of implantology to anatomy to reconstruction following ablative surgery. The majority of the book's content is relevant to routine dental implant reconstruction, making this book useful to well informed dentists or for those already practising and wishing to expand their knowledge. Significant improvements have been made since its first edition making this a useful reference in its field.

The first six chapters are of little relevance to the British audience. Epidemiology, business planning, team training and risk management are all discussed with a strong American weight. Little is to be gained from the chapter concerning the treatment of 'medically complex' patients, however, the discussion about the treatment of patients at risk of osteonecrosis is of interest. Following the initially slow start to the book, the remaining chapters improve in quality and relevance. The description of surgical anatomical considerations is particularly useful, with excellent supporting pictures. The radiology chapters are of high quality, discussing the pros and cons of 2D and 3D imaging. The physiology of bone formation, regeneration, grafts and soft tissue healing are described particularly well, with ample detail.

Antral surgery, inferior dental nerve lateralisation and mental nerve distalisation are shown with good clinical pictures. However, as is the case with all the surgical techniques described in this book, there is insufficient information given, with regard to the method, to repeat the techniques in practice. Angled implants, teeth in a day, implants in children and the 'all on four' concept are examined. The chapter on complications is methodical and depicted well. The discussion of hygiene and soft tissue management post implantation is also a useful addition.

The reader of this book may feel the art is less well portrayed than the science, frustrated that the surgical techniques are not explained in more detail. The chapters are concise, yet often describe some interesting topics in detail. Thirty chapters, 20 of them new to this edition, will offer the purchaser of this book plenty of enjoyable reading.