The team at S4S have been working towards producing devices to help sufferers of snoring. Their specialist laboratory now offers a range of dental splints for you to recommend to your patients, such as Sleepwell, the latest most effective long-term treatment for snoring. This adjustable and comfortable two-piece splint is designed to maximise comfort for your patient and is suitable for simple snorers as well as mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea sufferers.

Snorers often suffer daytime sleepiness as a result of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). This can be very dangerous as it can result in the sufferer inadvertently falling asleep at unexpected times. OSA occurs when the airway narrows so much that it closes, briefly stopping the sleeper's breath. This reduces the oxygen level in the blood causing adrenaline to be released into the body, sometimes partially wakening the snorer without their knowledge. Sleepwell is the most clinically proven mandibular advancement splint available for snorers.

Reader response number 56