Managing a dental practice the Genghis Khan way

  • M. R. Young
UK: Radcliffe price £27.99; pp 148 ISBN 9781846193965 | ISBN: 978-1-8461-9396-5

Written from the pen of experience, this book seeks to provide a clear and logical framework for those wishing to establish an effective and efficient management model in dental practice.

It draws into sharp focus the fundamental strategies of practice leadership, whilst acknowledging the key aims of delivering optimal patient care and operating a successful business.

The book is written in a conversational style, accessible, engaging and infused with wit. The content is practical and informative. The tone is both inspirational and cautionary. Throughout, the text is peppered with personal anecdotes from the author, relatable examples of management triumphs and failures. In spite of the author's extensive experience in the fields of management and marketing, the book is refreshingly free of mysterious industry jargon.

The structure is exceptionally user-friendly. The main body of the book is subdivided into four sections: Preparation, People, Planning, and Policies and Procedures. The facets of each domain are explored under clear sub-headings, in a logical progression. The frequent expression of information using bullet points enables concepts to be absorbed and revisited easily. Key ideas are illustrated in simple diagrammatical format.

'Preparation' defines the process of management. It extols the benefits of rational long-term planning prior to assuming a management role. It encourages the reader to consider the involvement of the entire dental team and those in professions auxiliary to business, in the running of a practice.

'People' examines the importance of a glowing and ethical practice ethos, the provision of patient-centred services. The importance of the composition of the dental team, recognition of individuals' strengths and skills, and the value of investing in employee development are explored.

'Planning' offers practical advice and tools to help foster an objective-focussed and cohesive operation. The concept of 'strategy' in the context of business planning, financial forecasting and marketing is extrapolated in full.

'Policies and Procedures' highlights legal requirements and prudent measures to take concerning documentation.

This book is relevant to those in NHS, private and specialist sectors; small and large practices alike. It would be of direct value to those involved in practice management at any level and in any capacity. For those considering adopting a management related role, it would serve as an ideal first read with concise yet comprehensive coverage of the topic.