I am just emailing you to tell you how much I enjoy reading Vital. I think I learn so much from it and it's great that you can get two hours of verifiable CPD on core subjects. I look forward to it arriving in the post.

In future issues is there any possibility of doing an article on how you keep record of your CPD certificates and non-verifiable CPD? I don't know how to record them in a file at the moment. I have just got lots of notes of when I read a dental magazine and what I have learnt from it. If the GDC did contact me, how would I produce this information for them? I have asked a number of work colleagues and they don't seem to know either. I hope you can help.

Kathryn Marshall RDN, Dip DHE, Practice Development Tutor, School of Postgraduate Medical & Dental Education Wales and Vital editorial board member replies:

Thank you for your letter Vanessa, we are pleased that you enjoy reading Vital.

What you may find useful is to record all your CPD activity in a personal development portfolio or plan (PDP).

This is a record of your CPD for use throughout your career. Many methods are available for development and training. You are already reading to improve your knowledge which is a good start. The key is to find ways of keeping up-to-date that benefit your patients, you and the rest of team that you work with. A portfolio is a guide to help you focus your thoughts regarding your professional development, to keep track of your attendance or participation in educational events and highlight what you have learnt. Just what you are asking for!

Recording your CPD in this way would enable you to produce the evidence that you are keeping up-to-date should any third party require the proof.

Vital has covered this topic in past issues.1,2

Your local Postgraduate Dental Deanery should also be able to supply you with a format for a PDP. There is also one available to download from the Welsh Postgraduate Dental Deanery at www.cardiff.ac.uk/pgmde/dental boxed-text