The British Dental Conference and Exhibition took place from 25–27 May in Manchester's Central Convention Complex. The event saw the inauguration of the BDA President for 2017–18, Peter Dyer. Peter is currently chair of the Central Committee for Hospital Dental Services (CCHDS). Former BDA Chair Susie Sanderson was confirmed as the President Elect for 2018–19. The event also saw the launch by BDA Chair Mick Armstrong of the BDA's We Are Dentistry campaign, celebrating the wide ranging achievements of dental professionals and calling on colleagues to share their stories, and show the difference dentists are making in their communities. The campaign video has already been viewed over 6,000 times.

Further highlights were the Honours & Awards dinner at Manchester Town Hall (pictured) celebrating the contribution of individuals and groups across the dental industry; a successful young dentist reception on Thursday evening; and panel discussions covering contract reform and regulation changes across dentistry. Following the tragic events earlier in the week the Association pledged £5,000 to the Manchester Evening News We Stand Together fund supporting the victims of the Manchester Arena attack.

Save the date for next year's BDA Conference and Exhibition: Thursday 10 to Saturday 12 May 2018.