The consumption of soft drinks, fruit juices and sports drinks continues to rise. The erosive nature of these drinks is well documented, which begs the question of what can be done to provide protection against their damaging effect. One study found that toothpaste containing stabilised stannous fluoride provided significant acid protection over that provided by conventional fluoride products.1 This is strongly attributable to the high bioavailability of stannous fluoride in the formula. It is believed that toothpastes containing this ingredient produce a protective barrier layer that remains on the tooth for hours after the products use. It is this, the authors conclude, which helps protect enamel against the initiation and progression of dietary acid attack.

Oral-B Pro-Expert toothpaste contains a combination of stabilised stannous fluoride and sodium hexametaphosphate. Professor Nicola West has commented that patients susceptible to erosion would benefit from twice daily use of fluoride toothpaste with stabilised stannous fluoride, such as Pro-Expert.

Whilst it is hoped that education on the damaging effects of acidic drinks will go some way in controlling the problem of erosion, providing protection against the effect of such drinks will help individuals retain their enamel. Unlike the supply of these damaging beverages, once enamel's gone, it's gone!