Diet drinks linked to increases in belly fat in older adults

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A new study1 published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society shows that increasing intake of diet drinks is directly linked to greater abdominal obesity in adults 65 years of age and older. Findings raise concerns about the safety of chronic diet soda consumption, which may increase belly fat and contribute to greater risk of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases.

Global health systems neglect three billion with tooth decay

Billions of people across the globe are suffering the consequences of untreated tooth decay according to new research published in the Journal of Dental Research. Professor Wagner Marcenes of Queen Mary University of London led the Oral Health Research Group within the latest Global Burden of Disease study, which found 2.4 billion people worldwide have untreated tooth decay in their permanent teeth, and 621 million children have untreated tooth decay in their milk teeth. The researchers estimate over 190 million new cases of tooth decay in adults will develop annually worldwide.