More than 2,000 companies from about 60 countries are expected to attend the International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne from 10-14 March 2015. Taking place every two years, the IDS is the world's most important get-together for the international dental market.

This year, IDS Career Day is the meeting point between exhibitors and new talent. Companies use the IDS to address students, graduates, trainees and those interested in a career in the dental profession in a targeted manner.

The IDS Career Day will take place on Saturday 14 March 2015 in the Speaker's Corner area of Hall 3.1. Participants from far afield can take advantage of overnight accommodation in the Cologne-Deutz youth hostel nearby on the weekend of 13/14 March 2015. Subject to availability, rooms can be requested and booked by quoting the reservation number 178137.

Exhibitors can book brief presentation slots to introduce your company to delegates in Hall 3.1 and a recruitment lounge connected to the presentation area will offer facilities for individual meetings and presentations in partitioned areas. All exhibitors involved in the Career Day initiative will be named on IDS homepage and on a special printed flyer.

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