The British Dental Association (BDA) has condemned a Department of Health (DH) announcement that the salary of dental foundation trainees is to be reduced in the future.

The intention to reduce the salary for those undertaking dental foundation training has been announced as one of a number of areas in which the Department is intending to seek efficiency savings this year.

Dr Mick Armstrong, Chair of the BDA's Principal Executive Committee, said: 'The stated proposal to reduce the salary paid to dental foundation trainees will sound alarm bells across the profession. Targeting those at the start of their careers, many of whom will have graduated with significant levels of debt, will appear to many as an attempt to prey on the most vulnerable members of the profession. We will oppose such an attack vigorously.'

The announcement also signals the DH's intention to explore amendments to maternity, paternity and sickness leave pay and to pursue further computerisation of dental practices. The BDA will be seeking full details of the proposals.