At the end of March the BDJ launched a brand new sister publication, BDJ Team. BDJ Team will offer dental care professionals (DCPs) ten free hours of continuing professional development (CPD) in 2014.

The successor to Vital, BDJ Team is aimed at the whole dental team and will be published every month on a newly-launched website, Each month from March-December 2014 a set of multiple choice questions based on an article published in BDJ Team will be available at, enabling users to log on, answer the questions then download or print off their verifiable CPD certificate.

The first CPD article in BDJ Team was on the core topic of radiography, and this will be followed closely by a second core topic, infection control, with an article on clinical waste management.

To find out more about BDJ Team, visit To request free access to BDJ Team CPD, visit