The year 2013 marked Vital magazine's tenth anniversary, but amidst the celebrations, changes were afoot. After a decade of delivering in both print and online a wealth of information, inspirational stories, CPD and research to the whole dental team, Vital is being re-launched this March as online only, monthly magazine BDJ Team. Laura Pacey spoke to Vital and BDJ Team Editor Kate Quinlan to find out more.

How will BDJ Team be different to Vital?

BDJ Team will build upon the success and popularity of Vital. The main difference is of course that it will be on the Internet rather than printed, but this will mean that articles will be published more often. There will be a monthly issue of BDJ Team, rather than four issues a year of Vital, and with the new website it will also be possible to publish news and other new content at any time – not just in issue format. Anyone will be able to read BDJ Team on a computer, tablet, or on their smartphone, so it will be very accessible.

Why is BDJ Team online only? What are the benefits of online only?

There are now over 60,000 dental care professionals (and counting) registered with the GDC and we want to reach as many of them as possible. Going online is moving with the times and better for the environment...

It's true that Vital has always been popular as a print magazine, but there are now well over 60,000 dental care professionals (and counting) registered with the GDC, and we want to reach as many of them as possible. Going online is moving with the times, better for the environment and means that we can publish content more often. Readers will be able to click on to the website anytime. The ten-year archive of Vital articles will also still be available.

Was it hard to decide on a new name?

We wanted to align Vital more closely with the BDJ. The BDJ is a very strong brand, well known and respected and very well established. Vital has always been the BDJ's 'sister publication', but the name BDJ Team will reinforce this! I think it was important to retain the word 'team', so we have!

Has it been fun choosing the new logo and redesigning the website?

We have all contributed our ideas but it has been fun seeing what Melissa Cassem, the Art Editor, has come up with for the new logo and web banner, although she is working to quite a tight deadline so I am not sure how much fun she has had! Melissa and I have both been working on the BDJ portfolio for ten years, so being involved with new projects and redesigns certainly keeps things interesting and challenging.

As we speak, the first building blocks of the new BDJ Team website itself are about to be put in place on the new web platform. I will have a lot more direct control over content that is published on the website than with the old Vital website, which is exciting.

What have you learned from the re-launch? Have there been any issues you weren't expecting to face?

I've learnt that launching a new online product with a new website and CPD scheme in less than half a year is incredibly difficult! Luckily our publisher, Rowena Milan, is highly capable and has led the project, bringing together the many different departments and individuals required to accomplish such a feat. I've helped where I can, but really articles and content are my forte!

What excites you most about BDJ Team?

The challenge of publishing monthly and generating articles that our readers want to read; hearing readers' feedback on the new publication; and making BDJ Team as popular, if not more popular, than Vital. I'm also looking forward to the official launch we are planning for the British Dental Conference and Exhibition in April.

What can readers expect from BDJ Team?

The style and tone of articles in BDJ Team will be exactly the same as those published in Vital – they will just be published more often! We will still have interviews, features, letters, news, products, advice, research and CPD relevant to DCPs.

How would you describe BDJ Team in one sentence?

BDJ Team is a UK-based online magazine publishing high quality content relevant to all members of the dental team. The strapline is: BDJ Team: at the heart of your practice.

If you or one of your team members would like to stay informed about BDJ Team, which will offer DCPs ten free hours of CPD this year, and also visit