Sir, in response to Mr Roy Abrahams (BDJ 2013; 215: 4), it is interesting how easy it is for people to remember events from different perspectives. David DiBiase did indeed agree with me to undertake a pilot project comparing the correction of ten millimetre overjets (OJ) by straight wire or orthotropics. It was a shame that he never released the facial images of the end results which was the intended purpose of the study, and also that he did not agree to progress to the main study, despite a highly significant 25° difference in growth direction. Prospective orthodontic comparisons are rare enough and this unfortunately gave the impression of exclusion.

Personally I do not remember any other offers of research and there has certainly never been an independent assessment of orthotropics. However, it is never too late, and considering that Roy is correcting 12 mm OJs as bread and butter may I again offer to cooperate with him in a comparative orthodontic and orthotropic research project of ten millimetre overjets as it really matters to know the truth?

1. The London School of Facial Orthotropics