Newly registered dental charity Heart Your Smile, that celebrated its first anniversary in March, chose the recent British Dental Conference and Exhibition as the venue to launch a number of new initiatives – the first of which is Innovation 360°.

Innovation 360° has the aim of providing a practical solution to the difficulties sometimes faced by practices who have fantastic ideas for oral health initiatives, but face a struggle to get their ideas off the ground. Whether it is due to lack of funds, time or just because they don't know where to start, it is an unfortunate fact that sometimes the best ideas are also the best kept secrets!

Innovation 360° provides an answer to this problem by offering practical and financial help to dental teams wanting to connect with patients in an innovative way and take dentistry beyond the boundaries of their surgery doors.

Grants of £360 are now available to support dental teams wanting to innovate in the area of oral health promotion. Fifty percent of the grant will be provided as funds to help with up to £180 of logistical expenses and 50% will be provided as a Heart Your Smile Oral Health Kit, which includes a selection of BDHF leaflets, toothbrushing charts, toothbrushes, toothpaste, stickers and badges, all designed to help motivate and educate your chosen audience.

To qualify for an Innovation 360° Grant, complete an online application by 30 June 2013. For more information and to apply visit