
Jung R E, Philipp A et al. J Clin Periodontol 2013; 40: 90–98

The investigators measured both vertical and horizontal changes in bone dimensions following different ridge preservation techniques, 6 months after tooth extraction. Measurements were made from CBCT scans. Demineralised bovine bone mineral with 10% collagen (Bio-Oss® Collagen), regardless of covering material, gained about 1 mm vertically and lost 1 mm horizontally width. β-Tricalcium-phosphate-particles with a polylactid coating (easy-graft®) lost a worrying 2 mm vertical height and 6 mm horizontal width. For the control group (no active treatment), there was a decrease in vertical height of 0.6 mm and 3.3 mm horizontal width. There was no discussion as to whether or not the statistical significant differences identified were clinically significant.