Basic guide to medical emergencies in the dental practice

  • P. Jevon
Wiley-Blackwell price £26.95; pp 216 ISBN 9781405197847 | ISBN: 978-1-4051-9784-7

The importance of being able to manage medical emergencies by the dental team has been a well-accepted principle for some time. The emphasis on this is especially notable by the General Dental Council's inclusion of medical emergencies within core CPD requirements.

The book starts by revising the principles of how to recognise the sick patient and on through to more complex issues such as resuscitation. Medical emergencies are helpfully categorised into chapters relating to the body system they affect. I found that each chapter supplied a good depth of information on the physiological causes of the emergency prior to providing a detailed explanation of how to manage such a situation.

The book is easy to read as much of the information is explained clearly using tables, flow charts and bullet points that prevent the reader becoming overwhelmed with information.

Throughout, the author consistently provides clear references to up to date literature to back up their advice. This also shows the reader easily where they can access more information if desired.

Clear, detailed photographs are used extensively to show how to use equipment and perform manual tasks. More complex procedures are demonstrated with step-by-step images. Whilst no replacement for hands-on sessions, they serve to remind the reader of prior learning.

A chapter that I found of particular interest was one about professional and legal issues. It focuses on the dental practitioner's accountability with regard to the patient, society in general, the employer and the General Dental Council. This provides a lot of food for thought with regard to patient consent and best practice.

I enjoyed reading the book and found it to be detailed and clear in its explanation of the causes and management of medical emergencies. I would recommend this book to dental professionals who want to use current best practices and principles in the management of medical emergencies in the dental practice. It would also be a helpful study aid to those taking undergraduate or royal college examinations. I know that I would have found it to be very helpful indeed.