
Hopper L, Morris L et al. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2011; 39: 97–104.

Using purposive sampling, information was gathered from a focus group comprising dentists and researchers (n = 6) and then qualitative interviews were carried out on 18 other dentists. In the second part of the study, 9 dentists declined to participate because they were 'too busy'. Is it odd or perceptive, that it was felt research lags behind primary care? Indeed some research was considered to undermine the care of patients. However, the participants did regard that an evidence-based dentistry (EBD) approach should drive patient care. Cynically, guidelines were considered tools to deliver policy. Scientific journals were considered 'a little bit obscure'. When asked what influences their own care of patients, 'A big factor is if it is profitable for me to do it to be quite honest'. The new EBD blog Dental Elf (, may help reconcile some of these conflicts.