Sir, recently there have been two letters to the editor in the British Dental Journal which reported on a very uncaring attitude demonstrated by an NHS organisation when an employee had experienced devastating personal circumstances. This led to resignation (BDJ–2011; 211: 151 and 2011; 211: 244).

I would like to report that my experience in LCFT has been quite the reverse.

On Friday 20 May my husband and I were woken at 2am to be told that our 29-year-old daughter, who had severe learning difficulties and lived with us, had kidney failure. I emailed my Clinical Director to say that I would not be able to work on the following Monday and before 8am she had replied and taken over that worry. Every attempt I made to work or support our daughter was made as easy as possible by the whole dental team. Sadly two months later she died.

We were very touched that a number of staff came to the funeral.

After two months on sick leave during which no pressure has been put on me to go back to work and during which I have been well supported by all my colleagues, I am starting the slow return to 'normality', and going back to work.

During this time, we changed Trusts so all these arrangements have been even more difficult to organise and have had to be authorised twice.

I hope that I will be able to repay the support by continuing to work for the Trust. We are all very quick to criticise. I would like to praise where it is definitely due.