Neglecting your finances can be as painful as neglecting your teeth. Many dentists are so focused on running their own business, they might not consider the impact an injury or illness could have on their pocket.

Unfortunately, 2.2 million people will be off work for at least six months through sickness and disability. When you're self-employed, the situation can really hinder your business.

Help is on hand in the form of Income Protection Insurance which provides a regular tax-free income if you can't work due to illness or injury. And it may not cost as much as you think - typical cover for a 30-year-old dentist earning £30,000 a year and receiving a monthly income of £1,650 if unable to work would cost £37 a month.

With 2012 just round the corner, why not take a few moments to give your finances a routine check-up to make sure that they're in the best health?

dg mutual offers income protection to self-employed professionals. For an instant online quote visit their website.

Reader response number 51