Open wide! A series of eighteenth and nineteenth century caricatures on dentistry

  • J. Trevers &
  • M. Orskey
UK: Wychwood Books price £16.95; pp 44

This nicely-produced book is only 44 pages in length. Its 18 paintings and other pictures illustrate a variety of amusing dental situations including toothache and tooth extractions - not that the patients shown would necessarily find them so. Also shown are tooth transplants and the use of an electric generating machine to relieve muscle pain. Both city and country dental practitioners are shown. Amongst the great eighteenth and nineteenth century cartoonists represented are works by George Cruikshank, Thomas Rowlandson and James Gillray. The text opposite each picture briefly but adequately describes for the reader what is being shown.

The authors are to be congratulated on this short, fun-filled book which brings together cartoons with a dental theme. It deserves a place on every coffee and waiting room table. Hopefully it will make relatives, friends and patients aware of how lucky today's patients are.