Like an empty bottle bobbing in the surf, plastic pollution has risen to the top of our collective consciousness. Scientists and citizens are increasingly aware of, and responding to, this problem, as evident in a series of articles in this Issue and the accompanying online Collection.

The cycling1, fate2 and socioeconomics3 of plastics are complex. Improper disposal is widely seen as the source of plastic pollution, and consumer (mis)behaviour undoubtedly is a contributor4. However, stemming the source — plastic production — is essential to addressing plastic pollution.

Credit: Data from ref.9,10,11.

This Collection is brought together to inform and inspire, not discourage or admit defeat. As described in many Comments in this Issue, and Articles in the Collection, there are ways forward. A cohort of entrepreneurs5, researchers6,7, citizens, NGOs and policymakers8 are working towards understanding and tackling plastic pollution. We hope that others will join.