
The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC or c-statistic)1 is the most commonly used measure for the evaluation of risk prediction models. AUC quantifies the ability to discriminate between individuals who will or will not manifest the outcome of interest (referred to as events and nonevents in this article). When a model is updated with new risk factors, such as genetic factors or polygenic risk scores, the improvement in the discriminative ability is assessed by the increment in AUC (ΔAUC) (Box 1).2,3,4

In recent years, alternative measures for the evaluation of prediction models have been proposed, including reclassification measures such as the net reclassification improvement (NRI) and integrated discrimination improvement (IDI).2,5,6 NRI quantifies the extent to which the addition of risk factors leads to improved classification of risks, and IDI assesses the improvement of the risk difference between events and nonevents (Box 1).2 NRI and IDI are increasingly used in addition to AUC, but the rationale and value of adding these metrics remain often unclear. NRI and IDI are frequently described as measures of discrimination7,8 and IDI is often labeled as measure of reclassification.9,10 When the purpose and meaning of the metrics are unclear, it is challenging to interpret the findings, especially when these are discordant.

Discordant findings are often attributed to shortcomings of the metrics. AUC is argued to be insensitive as it often fails to detect improvements in prediction that result from adding clinically relevant risk factors.2,5,11,12,13,14 Others argue that NRI and IDI are too sensitive for identifying changes in predicted risks, which may lead to false positive conclusions about the improvement of prediction models.15,16,17 We earlier showed that findings might also be discordant because the metrics assess different aspects of the improvement in predictive performance: ΔAUC assesses the gain in discriminative ability, NRI assesses changes in risk classification, and IDI assesses changes in the risk differences.18 For example, adding genetic factors might increase the risk differences without improving discriminative ability when the AUC of the clinical prediction model is already high.18

The aim of this study was to evaluate how researchers describe and interpret the simultaneous use of multiple metrics in the assessment of improvement in predictive performance of polygenic risk models. Following the recommendations given by the Statement on the reporting of genetic risk prediction studies (GRIPS),19 we reviewed how researchers described what the metrics are assessing, how the metrics were obtained, how their results were interpreted, and how the overall conclusion was reached.

Materials and methods

Literature search

We performed a literature search to find empirical studies that evaluated the improvement in predictive performance of risk models by assessing ΔAUC, NRI, and IDI. Using Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge (version 5.17) we retrieved all publications that cited the article by Pencina et al. in which the NRI and IDI were introduced (search date 28 December 2016).2 To limit the number of articles, we focused on studies that investigated the improved predictive performance of adding genetic variants (single-nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs) to clinical risk models. For this purpose, we selected publications using the keywords genetic, genomic, polygenic, polymorphisms, or DNA. We excluded studies on nongermline DNA, such as circulating cell-free DNA or tumor DNA. Full-text articles and Supplementary Materials were obtained for data extraction.

Data extraction

For each study, we recorded sample size, event rate, clinical risk factors in the clinical prediction models as well as the number of SNPs that were added. The event rate is the proportion of individuals with the outcome of interest in the study population, which was the incidence, prevalence, or the size of case population, depending on the design of the study. We extracted AUC values of the baseline and updated models, as well as the values of NRI and IDI along with P values and confidence intervals. We recorded whether NRI was used with or without categories: categorical NRI is a metric that is based on the proportions of people that move between risk categories, and continuous NRI is based on the proportions of people that have higher or lower risks after updating the risk model. When multiple prediction models were investigated in one article, we selected the model that was described in the abstract, the model that had the highest number of risk factors in the clinical prediction model, or the model that had the highest number of SNPs added.

We extracted, verbatim, descriptions of the definitions and calculations of AUC, NRI, and IDI from the methods section of the articles. From the results and discussion sections, we extracted descriptions of the numerical results of the metrics, the interpretation of each measure, and the general conclusions. All descriptions were imported into Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA).


We evaluated the point estimates and statistical significance of NRI and IDI in relation to ΔAUC. Statistical significance was based on the confidence intervals or the reported P values using the threshold of statistical significance mentioned in the articles, which was P < 0.05 in all of them.

Using the excerpts of the methods section, we reviewed how the measure and calculation of AUC, NRI, and IDI were described, and evaluated whether these followed common definitions and approaches. For the latter, we required that the definition of AUC should at least have mentioned that it is a measure of discrimination or the concordance between predicted and observed survival, that NRI is a measure of reclassification, and that IDI assesses the improvement in risk differences or discrimination slopes (Box S1). Descriptions of the calculations needed to give insight in the computation. For AUC the description needed to refer to the c-statistic or nonparametric trapezoidal rule. For NRI the description needed to include that it was the sum of the net percentage of correct reclassification in events and nonevents, with reclassification refering to changes between risk categories for categorical NRI and changes in risk for continuous NRI. The description of IDI needed to refer to the difference of the mean increments and mean decrements in estimated probabilities between models or the difference in discrimination slopes of the baseline and updated model (Box S1).

Using the excerpts of the results section, we assessed how the values of AUC, NRI, and IDI were described. We documented whether the results were described by their effect sizes, P values or confidence intervals, or both, and whether and how the results were interpreted in terms of model improvement. We documented whether authors reported the presence or absence of improvement, and considered “minimal improvement” when they described the improvement or increase in the estimates as being small or minimal.

Finally, using excerpts from the discussion, we evaluated how the overall improvement of the model was interpreted. In addition to the presence or absence of improvement, we distinguished “minimal improvement” when the reported improvement was considered minimal or marginal, and “inconclusive” when the authors concluded that improvement was demonstrated from some metric(s) but not others. Two researchers independently evaluated the descriptions and disagreements were discussed to reach consensus.


Of the 2509 articles that had cited the article by Pencina et al., 250 articles reported polygenic risk studies of which 32 met the inclusion criteria (Fig. S1). Most excluded articles did not report empirical analyses (such as reviews and commentaries, n = 94) or did not report on all three measures (n = 83). The majority of the 32 included articles evaluated cardiovascular (n = 15) and cancer prediction models (n = 8; Table S1).

Definitions of AUC and NRI and IDI were given in 84, 81, and 72% of the articles, of which 63, 70, and 0% were correct (Table 1). IDI was frequently described as a metric of reclassification (30%) and discrimination (22%), and five articles described NRI and IDI together, for example, as measures of “model performance” or “utility.” Half of the articles (56%) described how AUC was obtained, of which all mentioned the c-statistic, but only three (9%) explained the calculation of NRI and three others (9%) explained IDI. The three descriptions for the calculation of IDI were correct, but none of the articles described NRI as the sum of two net percentages.

Table 1 Definition and calculation method of AUC, NRI, and IDI as described in included articles

AUC values of the clinical prediction models ranged from 0.56 to 0.87 (Table S2), and ΔAUC ranged from −0.001 to 0.09 (median 0.01, interquartile range [IQR] 0.002–0.02; Table 2). Most (94%) ΔAUC values were 0.04 or lower. Of the 24 articles that computed the categorical NRI, the values ranged from −0.02 to 0.54 (median 0.044, IQR 0.012–0.142;) and the 7 articles that computed the continuous NRI reported values ranging from 0.07 to 1.24 (median 0.233; IQR 0.137–0.356; Table 2). Of the 24 articles that reported absolute IDI, values ranged from 0.00062 (a 0.062% absolute increase in risk difference between events and nonevents) to 0.128 (median 0.011; IQR 0.002–0.021). NRI and IDI values were, as expected, higher for higher values of ΔAUC (Fig. 1).

Table 2 Point estimates; interpretations of model improvement based on ∆AUC, NRI, and IDI values; and overall conclusions about improvement of predictive performance
Fig. 1: a Net reclassification improvement (NRI) and b integrated discrimination improvement (IDI) by increments in the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (∆ AUC).
figure 1

Excluded are studies that a used continuous NRI or that did not report the value of the NRI and b articles that did not report the value of IDI

ΔAUC was statistically significant in 13 articles, NRI in 21, and IDI in 26 (Table 2). When ΔAUC was higher than 0.01 (n = 15 studies), IDI and NRI were both statistically significant in all but 1 of 14 studies (Table 2). Of the 17 studies in which ΔAUC was equal or lower than 0.01, NRI and IDI values were still statistically significant in 7 of 16 of them.

When the value of a metric was statistically significant, the metric was interpreted as indicating improvement of the model in all articles, with several reporting that the improvement was minimal (Table 3). When a metric was not statistically significant, almost half were still described as indicative of model improvement, now with most acknowledging that the improvement was minimal. All ΔAUC values that were not statistically significant and interpreted as no indication of improvement were lower than 0.005, whereas those that were considered to indicate (minimal) improvement were all equal to or higher than 0.005. All statistically significant ΔAUC values were interpreted as indicating improvement of the model, irrespective of their absolute values.

Table 3 Inferences about model improvement in the results section of the article in relation to the statistical significance of the metrics

In 17 of the 27 articles that reported all three values in the results section (Table 2), the authors interpreted that all three metrics showed improvement of the model. Among these were 7 studies in which all three metrics were statistically significant and 7 studies in which NRI and IDI were statistically significant but ΔAUC was not. In 6 of the 27 articles, the authors interpreted that the ΔAUC showed no improvement of the model but that the NRI and IDI did. In all of these, ΔAUC was equal to or lower than 0.003, and NRI was not statistically significant in 2 of them. Only 1 of the 27 articles interpreted that none of the metrics indicated an improvement of the prediction model; in this study, the absolute values of ΔAUC, NRI, and IDI were all lower than 0.001 and not statistically significant.

All but five articles concluded that, overall, the clinical prediction model had improved from the addition of genetic factors (Table 2). Half of them mentioned that the improvement was minimal. All articles in which the individual metrics were evaluated as indicative of improvement, also had a overall positive evaluation, except one in which all three metrics were interpreted as showing minimal improvement leading to an overall conclusion of no improvement. Of the six articles that reported improvement indicated by NRI and IDI but not by ΔAUC, five concluded that the model had improved albeit minimally, and one refrained from making an overall conclusion.


AUC, NRI, and IDI are three metrics that are increasingly used together in the assessment of polygenic risk models. Our analysis showed that authors provided minimal information about the purpose and assessment of the three metrics and that they mostly relied on statistical significance when interpreting the results. None of the articles distinguished, in their conclusions, between the different aspects of model performance that the metrics address.

Three observations can be made from this study. First, one-third of the articles did not specify what was measured by IDI and one-fifth did not do so for AUC and NRI. When authors did describe the metrics, only two-thirds were correct about what is measured by AUC and NRI, namely discrimination and reclassification, but were mostly wrong about IDI, which they described as a metric of discrimination, reclassification, or more generally as a measure of model performance. These findings suggest that researchers may not know what each of the metrics assesses, and that the measures assess different aspects of predictive performance.

Second, only roughly half of the articles reported how AUC (n = 18) was obtained and only 9% (n = 3) reported how NRI and IDI were calculated. When researchers did provide details, they gave the correct description for the calculation of AUC and IDI, but not of NRI. The three studies that mentioned the calculation of NRI did not describe that NRI is obtained by the sum of the two net proportions. Mentioning the sum of the two net percentages is important to make clear that NRI is not merely the percentage of reclassified people in a population. These findings confirm that researchers may not know what is measured by NRI and IDI. Whether researchers understand AUC cannot be concluded from this review; evidently, reporting that they obtained the c-statistic may not imply that they understand how the c-statistic is calculated.

And third, inferences about each metric, and hence the overall conclusion about improvement of predictive performance, were largely based on their statistical significance while absolute values of the metrics were small. When the values of the metrics would have been rounded to two decimals, the estimates would be 0.00 for 11 AUC, 2 NRI, and 12 IDI values. Of these, 3 AUC, 1 NRI, and 9 IDI values were interpreted as showing improvement of the model. Small values of AUC, IDI, and NRI may be statistically significant in large studies, but not clinically relevant. Relying on the statistical significance may lead to false claims about the improvement of prediction. Therefore, the interpretation should focus on the absolute values of the metrics rather than the statistical significance of their estimates.20,21 What degree of improvement is clinically relevant varies between scenarios and by the answer to the question what is to be gained from the additional information.

The interpretation of polygenic risk studies is straightforward when all measures show the same large and statistically significant improvement in predictive performance. When values are small and inferences are discordant, the question is whether the discordance is due to limitations in the assessment of the metrics or reflecting differential impact on the various aspects of predictive performance. For example, AUC is often criticized for being an insensitive metric to evaluate improvement in predictive performance,2,5,11,12,13,14 but improving discrimination requires a substantial change in the rank order of predicted risks that should not be expected when minor genetic factors are added to the clinical prediction model. In such instances, IDI, which assesses the mean of predicted risks between events and nonevents before and after updating of the clinical prediction model, might still be able to show improvement in risk differentiation. Another example is that changes in risk classification as indicated by NRI may not imply that discrimination is improved as well. NRI has been shown to be too sensitive for identifying minor changes in predicted risks15,16,17 and it may be statistically significant, while AUC remains virtually unchanged.22,23

All but four studies concluded that the addition of genes to clinical risk models improved the predictive performance of clinical risk models. In most studies, the values of ΔAUC, NRI, and IDI were small and none of them were externally validated. The latter is relevant for the few studies in which the improvement in predictive performance would be of interest if it were replicated in independent data. Judging if clinical risk models improve by the addition of genes is challenging when researchers have limited understanding of the metrics used for evaluation of the models. Our study suggests that this limited understanding leads to false positive conclusions about the value of adding genes to clinical risk models.

Interpretation of polygenic risk studies is straightforward when there is no or substantial improvement in predictive performance, but it is challenging in between. Discordant results from multiple metrics may indicate that there is no improvement but that some metrics are sensitive enough to detect very small effects. Yet, it may also mean that there is improvement in prediction but not on all aspects of predictive performance. A better understanding is needed to achieve more meaningful interpretations of polygenic prediction studies. Overinterpretation of small improvements in predictive ability will unlikely improve the management of people at risk in public health practice.