Correction to: Cancer Gene Therapy (2020) 28:471-485, published online 16 November 2020

After publication it was noted that there was partial repetition in Figure 2, namely in 2F where a micrograph was duplicated. The duplication was accidental and caused by multiple photos being taken during the experiment and incorrect file name. the authors rechecked the experimental pictures and corrected Figure 2. The correct version of Figure 2 accompanies this correction.

In addition, a PubPeer comment raised a number of concerns about the data in this paper (Western immunoblotting and scratch test data) being blurry and impossible to judge and tumors being presented separately without scaling (Figure 5), which is an invitation to manipulation. The authors advised that WB experiment is due to their domestic instrument (Tianneng 500), which is old, resulting in low resolution and unclear exposed pictures. The authors provided the journal with the raw data and images used for review.

The original article has been corrected.