Sir, I write further to Stanley Gelbier's excellent article about Georg Kantarowicz.1

Having produced several RDH Christmas shows, I can attest to his description of ‘Looking for Kanty' in a pedal bin.

My two main memories of him were asking why he gave the students their lectures on law and jurisprudence. He replied that at Glasgow Dental School, I became bored with the dental course and attended all of the lectures on law but was not allowed to obtain a joint honours degree. The other memory is of him travelling by train to Victoria Station in 1946 to meet his uncle Herman, who was travelling back via London to the USA after picking up his Nobel Prize. They met in a café at the station and Georg asked if he could see the esteemed prize. When Herman removed the large gold disk from its case, it rolled off the counter under the next table; at this point, Herman calmly tapped a lady on the shoulder and asked for his Nobel Prize back.