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figure 1

Article: Embracing neurodiversity-informed dentistry. Part six: Neuro-inclusion within the profession

1. Neurodiversity in the profession can bring:

A. barriers and challenges to organisational productivity

B. negative team dynamics creating problems

C. unique strengths, such as enhanced creativity

D. an impaired individual that requires ‘fixing' to the environment

2. Reasonable adjustments at work:

A. recognises the individualised nature of support requirements for students, trainees, and experienced dental professionals, with each facing unique challenges in their education and careers

B. includes measures to remove barriers, providing the best opportunity for success

C. avoids making assumptions based on labels or perceived abilities/disabilities

D. all of the above

3. Neuro-inclusion:

A. excludes individuals from the profession based on traits such as social awkwardness or lack of eye contact

B. promotes a diverse workforce by welcoming and including all kinds of minds

C. only benefits the individual concerned

D. only benefits dental organisations through avoiding employment tribunal claims, financial loss, reputational damage

4. A whole-person approach:

A. uses a medical model approach

B. involves asking questions and listening to answers

C. uses stereotypes to judge the specific needs of each neurodivergent individual

D. will only benefit neurodivergent individuals and not neurotypical individuals

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