The NICU environment is very stressful and costly. To address specifically these problems, we have instituted since September 1995 an aggressive program of early discharge from our NICU. Nurses from the neonatal intensive care unit visit the babies after discharge for a variable period of time. We have previously reported on the shortened length of stay and the decreased readmission rate with the program. To address the issue of patient satisfaction, a survey was mailed to all the families whose infants were sent home under the integrated neonatal home care program. A follow-up contact was made either by phone or during a visit to the neonatal clinic.

From September 1, 1995 to August 31, 1997, 387 infants were discharged under the home care program. This represents 34% of our total NICU admissions. Table


The average time under home care was 2 months.


  • 94 Survey forms were returned (25%)

  • 79% of parents felt well prepared for discharge

  • 77% met their home care nurse in the hospital

  • 96% thought that the nursing visits were helpful

  • 95% were happy with their decision to take the baby home early

  • 87% would do it again if needed

  • 96% would recommend it to other parents

CONCLUSION: With adequate support and education, parents of infants in the NICU are willing to take their babies home early. 87% of responders would do it again, but more importantly, 96% would recommend it to other NICU parents.