
figure 1

SensorNOx is an advanced Nitric Oxide and Nitrogen Dioxide Analyzer with the accuracy and reliability needed to safely and effectively deliver Nitric Oxide. With a response time of less than 10 seconds, the SensorNox detects changes rapidly and can trigger built-in high and low alarms. A built-in dose calculator eliminates many of the arithmetic errors when operators calculate the flow settings to deliver a NO dose by hand. Continuous large numeric display allows the user to clearly identify the status of Nitric Oxide and Nitrogen Dioxide levels. Additionally, the SensorNox allows continuous monitoring, 24 hour time stamped storage and printing of both NO and NO2 levels, providing the user with the ability to review patient dose response and enable trending. Footnote 1

Contact: Alex Stenzler

SensorMedics Critical Care; (800) 520-4368