Background: Indomethacin causes hemodynamic and metabolic changes in the brain Aim: Assess the effect of alternative inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis, IB, on baseline and post-hypercarbia cerebrovascular control. Subjects: 15 newborn piglets <7 days were given an IV infusion of either IB (30 mg/Kg) (IB group, n=8) or saline (control group, n=7). Cerebral blood flow (CBF) (radiolabelled microsphere technique) and absolute cerebral blood volume changes (ΔCBV) (near infrared spectroscopy) were measured at baseline (1), 30 min after IB or saline infusion while breathing roomair (2), and after 15 min (3) and 30 min (4) of hypercarbia. Results: CBF (ml/min/Hg) and ΔCBV(ml/Hg) were unaffected by IV infusion of IB or saline but increased in a similar way in both groups with hypercarbia. Conclusion: IB does not alter basal cerebral circulation or CO2-induced vasodilation.Table

Table 1