Nature Materials 6, 156–161 (2007) doi: 10.1038/nmat1819

In Figure 1c of this paper, an error in production created totally black circles instead of black circles with a blue shell. The figure should have appeared as shown here.

Figure 1: Assembly and disassembly of mesostructured hybrids.
figure 1

ac, Assembly. d,e, Disassembly. a, Nanoparticles smaller than the blue block’s R0 are miscible and assemble into a lamellar structure. b, Nanoparticles larger than the blue block’s R0 segregate, forming a nanoparticle-rich core around which lamellae assemble into an onion-type structure. c, This can be used to generate compositionally heterogeneous nanostructures from tailored nanoparticle size distributions. d,e, Successfully assembled hybrids with different morphologies can be disassembled to generate well-defined structural building units. In d, the black hexagons on the front face of the cube represent three possible routes of disassembly along the cylinder axes into nanotubes. Further disassembly of these structural building units regenerates free nanoparticles and block copolymers.