Climate Change and Migration: Security and Borders in a Warming World

  • Gregory White
OXFORD UNIV. PRESS: 2011. 240 pp. £17.99

In this new perspective on how global warming will impact international relations across every continent, Gregory White, a professor of government, looks at climate-induced migration from the tropical regions of the world. Focusing on refugees fleeing Africa for Europe, White describes the enhanced security regimes that have been introduced in the rich North Atlantic countries, and the states that serve as transit points for migrants. The book highlights the wider implications of climate change on national sovereignty, which, in many cases, leads to the state increasing its influence over society.

Capitalism and Climate Change: Theoretical Discussion, Historical Development and Policy Responses

  • Max Koch
PALGRAVE MACMILLAN: 2011. 240 pp. £55.00

This book analyses the social side of climate change, following its growth in parallel with capitalism. Sociology professor Max Koch weaves political–economic theory with environmental economics, and concludes that the imperatives of capitalist development are incompatible with the Earth's physical limits. The book looks at free-market economies, and international social, environmental and economic inequalities, and concludes that true climate change mitigation will not be possible within the current finance-driven framework of capitalism. Koch advocates a re-regulation of both economy and society.