A Perfect Moral Storm: The Ethical Tragedy of Climate Change

  • Stephen M. Gardiner
OXFORD UNIV. PRESS: 2011. 512 pp. £22.50

Describing our inaction on climate change as an ethical failure, philosopher Stephen Gardiner, argues that our stasis stems from wilful self-deception. He explains how this enables the cost of climate change to fall on the poor and weak, and to be passed on to future generations. Gardiner concludes that we must wake up to this ethical failure and demand more of our institutions, our leaders and ourselves.

Winged Sentinels: Birds and Climate Change

Janice Wormworth and Çağan H. Şekercioğlu. CAMBRIDGE UNIV. PRESS: 2011. 296 pp. £24.99

This book is richly illustrated with examples of how birds are responding to climate change, and argues that these represent early warning signs that we would do well to heed. The authors, science writer Janice Wormworth and biologist Çağan Şekercioğlu, provide fascinating insights into the many ways that climate change is impacting birdlife and what we can do to help them adapt.